Longform Improv Drop-In Classes
Explore the world of improv in these flexible and lively drop-in classes, where you can join a single session, a few, or all of them! Whether you're new to improv or a well seasoned improviser, this drop in offer a convenient way to discover the joy of long form improv.
Longform Improv Drop-In Classes
Explore the world of improv in these flexible and lively drop-in classes, where you can join a single session, a few, or all of them! Whether you're new to improv or a well seasoned improviser, this drop in offer a convenient way to discover the joy of long form improv.
Munich Free-Form Improv Master Class *2 Days*
Elisabethplatz, MunichThis is a 2-day class. Saturday and Sunday. Free-Form opens up the doors to a whole new world of improv theater. In this workshop, we’ll focus on finding and following the key elements found within scenes to create a continued, seamless flow. Munich style Free form is a fun mix of skills we may recognize from the Harold, LaRonde, and short form improv formats all rolled into one.
Auditions for Bake This
Elisabethplatz, MunichBake This, Munich's longest performing English comedy Improv ensemble, is looking to expand our international cast. Sign-up now and join the Casting Workshop!
Improvisationstheater im Unterricht – Improv for the Classroom (in English)
Pädagogishces Institut Herrnstr. 19, München, GermanyDie Techniken, die Sie in diesem interaktiven Workshop erlernen und anwenden, unterstützen Sie dabei, gleichermaßen die sozialen wie sprachlichen Fähigkeiten Ihrer Schüler*innen weiterzuentwickeln.
This interactive workshop uses improvisation theatre techniques to enhance your creative skill set, aiming to promote students' use of language while allowing them to freely express themselves. You’ll learn a variety of games and exercises to use in the classroom, helping your students become more creative, open, and empathetic with one another while improving their listening and communication skills.